About PermeAgility

PermeAgility is a lightweight web server, database and application server. It is designed to enable highly complex, high-dimensional data models that can be navigated and maintained using a dynamic web interface. It is ideal for prototyping database structures and data and can be extended with plus modules and custom applications. It's dynamic nature allows you to focus on transformation, data relationships and actual data instead of maintaining an infrastructure or code that represents structures. It is robust, secure and flexible and allows rapid development of solutions that can be deployed anywhere. (Docker image available: permeagility/core - it's old)

Home page - guest view

Edit forms are dynamic based on the data model


Small, simple, and fast

Everything is implemented in the simplest way possible.  You can build a simple application with one Java class

Tables view, you can organize tables into groups with visibility based on role

Relationships are first class

Data is stored in a pre-joined document/graph model and lookup values, list boxes and master-detail views are automatically displayed

View your data model instantly with Visuility 

Live data model and data management 

Add/remove tables, columns, relationships, data, etc... see and work with the data immediately

Universal data editing, display and navigation

If data is related to anything, all related tables will be shown allowing view/insert of details

Extend and customize

Use simple functional programming in Java to create custom distributable applications and plug-ins

Universal table editor, click header to sort, click a row to edit

Use the Settings tool to change layouts and styles or create your own

Self repairing

Server will check, repair and upgrade system tables on every startup


Dynamic web interface

Driven by the data model.  Works with any tablet, desktop, or mobile web browser

All connected data is shown dynamically in a master-detail view

Style sheets

Your CSS custom styles are easily added, edited and stored in the database and can be swapped or updated instantly on a live server


Supports multiple languages and locales using database tables for locales and messages.  The built-in translate utility can help provide initial translations


Less than 10,000 lines of Java code. Less than 10Mb complete deployment.  It can be deployed almost anywhere including cloud and embedded computers (like RaspberryPi, etc...)

String columns with a name ending with 'color' will show a color picker

OrientDB database 

High performance, scaleable, document/graph OrientDB noSQL database can traverse data relationships directly because data is stored pre-joined.  It uses a variant of SQL that is powerful and easy to learn.  A SQL query builder tool is included

Table/row level security

Database security is tightly integrated with the framework and can be managed by table and by row if needed.  All users are database users including guest, users can only see what they can access

Handles images and binary files (automatic thumbnails and link to download)

Zero administration

No configuration files to edit, one file deployment, double click the jar file or start from command line for server options

Platform Independent

Can be deployed anywhere Java 8 runs, Windows, Docker


Can connect to distributed clustered OrientDB databases or deployed to cloud environments (front end can be scaled for user volume, backend/database can be scaled for data volumes)

Open source

Customize or extend it to fit your needs - deliver your resulting applications or plus modules royalty free (Apache 2.0 License)

Includes query tool for OrientDB SQL

Backup, restore and even shutdown right from your browser

Get started

Live demo:  http://demo.permeagility.com   (Go ahead and play with it, if you shut it down, it will restore the db and restart)

Source: http://github.com/PermeAgility

Binary: http://sourceforge.net/projects/permeagility/

subscribe for notifications on GitHub or SourceForge to receive notices of updates

© 2016 PermeAgility Incorporated

Apache 2.0 License http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Includes other components with their own licenses and copyrights:

OrientDB - http://www.orientechnologies.com/orientdb/   (version 2.1.5) License: Apache 2.0

JQuery - http://jquery.org/license  (version 2.1.3)  License: MIT

AngularJs - Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org (version 1.3.8) License: MIT  

D3 - Mike Bostock, http://d3js.org (version 3.5) License: BSD  

JSColor - Jan Odvarko, http://odvarko.cz, http://jscolor.com

SortTable - Stuart Langridge, http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/

JSCalendar - Mihai Bazon, http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar

CodeMirror - http://codemirror.net (version 5.2.1) License: MIT

Pace - HubSpot - https://github.com/HubSpot/pace (version 0.5.3)

Split.js - Nathan Cahill, https://nathancahill.github.io/Split.js/