Log files

Diagnostic messages generated by the server are saved in log files stored in the log sub directory in the location where the server is installed.  All System.out.println and System.err.println statements are directed to the log file (or to the console when running in development mode)

To prevent the creation of log files because you are developing and watching the output in an IDE, create a file called 'log' in the main directory, this will prevent creation of a log directory and log files.  To convert back to using permanent log files, just remove the 'log' file.

On installation, the server and table servers are not set up to log all requests to the log files. To reduce the amount of messages in the log files, you can turn off the verbose logging using the Constant settings for DEBUG in these classes. For more information on setting the constants, see Constant settings.

Note: Log files are available to view from the web interface using the /log/<log file name> URL.

in version 0.6.2, log files are listed and can be viewed from the Context page unless log files are blocked and forced to the console.