Getting Started

You need

Download, installation and startup

Download the self contained jar file from to a new directory.  

Start the server (Windows)

In windows, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the jar file and,

 double-click the permeagility-<ver>.jar file to start the server. 

Your default browser should automatically open to the home page at http://localhost:1999

If you see a message that it could not locate your main class file, then you are probably not running Java 8, install Java 8 and try again.

If your server does not start correctly, check the log files in the log directory for errors. A common error that may be found may be a port already in use message which means that the server (or another) is already running. If another server is running, your browser will be opened to that server automatically so that you can shut it down.

Start the server (Linux/Unix/OSX)

On OSX, you can just download the jar and double click (app coming soon) or:

Download current binary release using wget as below, or download from:


Then run:

 java -jar permeagility-0.8.0.jar

(Some Linux interfaces may allow you to double-click the file to start it). 

To setup a restartable, upgradable production server, see: Deployment

On a Mac, your browser should open to the home page automatically - if on Linux, navigate with your browser to http://localhost:1999 (This is intentional as this allows default deployment on Jenkins and Cloud servers without them trying to open a browser)

Server parameters

There are a few parameters on the startup if you need to change the port or database:

java -jar permeagility-<ver>.jar [port] [db]

default port is 1999

default db is plocal:db  

You can specify the port without the db and let everything else go to default.

It will create a db directory in the same directory as the jar

You can also use remote:<host>/<db> against a remote OrientDB 2.1.12 database engine but this has not been extensively tested yet.  Be warned: It will login as admin and automatically create the needed database tables to support PermeAgility functions.

Login to the server

Click the Login link and enter a user of 'admin' and password 'admin' (without the quotes) and click login.  

To secure your server, be sure to change the password to something more secure using the Profile service.  You should also remove the login links from the guest home page news article - Go to Tables then click the News table to edit the home page notices

Learn to use PermeAgility

PermeAgility implements common patterns used in most applications and provides a dynamic adaptive data model and user interface.  For a list of the patterns and instructions on how to use them, see Feature tour.