

Feel free to wrap the jar in a service wrapper and run it as a service.  Just Google: running a java jar as a windows service for the many options available.


Special installation notes available for:   Amazon EC2     Raspberry Pi     CHIP 9$ Computer 

This works on a local box and any cloud server with command line (ssh) access.

Make sure you have Java 8 (1.8) installed

java -version

Set up a directory and get the release

mkdir permeagility

cd permeagility


Then create the scripts to run it using a logical link for upgradability and allowing restart from the web console.

Here are some scripts that you can use when deploying a server on Linux. They are provided here so that you can paste them into vi or other text editor easily.  Naturally, you can customize these however you want.

Create the file (Run and Restart)


hit the i key and paste the contents below (note that sudo is only needed for port 80 - ports above 1024 do not generally need sudo)


# Run the server and restart until exit status != 1


while [ $status == 1 ]; do

   java -jar permeagility.jar 80



 Runs on port 80 and restarts the server if it returns an exit code of 1 (Shutdown with restart)  Notice that the permeagility-<ver>.jar is not mentioned explicitly, this is so that the script will not be version specific - create a symbolic file link to point the script to the specific jar to use.  Then when you want to upgrade versions, change the symbolic link to the newer version and invoke a shutdown with restart using the web interface.  The Context page displays the jar file name being used by the server.  

Create the symbolic link

ln -sf permeagility-0.8.0.jar permeagility.jar

Create the run file


hit the i key and paste the contents below contents


# Run the server script

nohup ./ &

This script will run the run and restart script under nohup to prevent shutdown when your session closes.  This is generally needed when running on cloud servers or virtual machines.  

Make the scripts executable

chmod +x

chmod +x

Start the server

sudo ./    (sudo not needed for ports > 1024)

It can be restarted from the web browser and is easily upgraded with the download of a new jar file and an updated symbolic link and restart.

Security Note

If you change the server password, it will be saved in a file called and used on startup.

Troubleshooting restart

If a restart doesn't work, check nohup.out for messages about not being able to run without a tty device - on Amazon AMI servers, you probably have Defaults requiretty enabled, edit the sudoers configuration file with sudo vi /etc/sudoers and comment that line out.