User management

By default, a sign up screen is available for all guests to register a user id in the system.  Using the userProfile table, guests can request a user id and a password and they will automatically be created as a user in the user role.  The user can also use the profile page to change their password.  Note that you can add columns to the userProfile table and they will be added automatically to the user sign up form.

PermeAgility's table editor also provides user management. Just add a user to the OUser table and attach the appropriate roles.  An admin can change a user's password through the table editor but the current password is not shown (it is also encoded).  If you update the OUser record without touching the password, it will remain as it is.

The OrientDB documentation provides more details on setting up users and roles.

Future versions of PermeAgility will support common user management patterns such as email verification, allowing a user to retrieve their password, and password reset functionality.  You could add this capability yourself and submit a pull request :-)