Plus modules

While the core of PermeAgility supports data management and UI, other functionality requires additional resources and jar files to be added to the server.  To keep the core fast, reliable and deployable anywhere, it is designed to have minimal dependencies on other libraries other than what is required by the database engine (which is embedded in the permeagility jar).

PermeAgility allows for extending the framework to support eternal libraries, protocols and databases etc....  The plugin modules are packaged as jar files and are placed in the 'plus' directory and are automatically picked up by the server at start up.  If you are interested in how plus modules are developed, see Plus module development

Built-in plus modules

Some plus modules are small enough and require no external libraries so they are included in the core framework.  To activate them, Install them using the Context Page

Merge - move, merge and link data               

Translate - translates messages and more    

JSON Import/Export

CSV Import/Export

D3 Builder - for scripting D3 visualizations

R Builder - for scripting R analytics (Must have R installed on the server for this to work)

Downloadable plus modules

permeagility-plus-oracle - For importing data from an Oracle database, set up connections and table/sql import paths (uses Oracle's ojdbc6.jar)

permeagility-plus-xlsx - For importing data from an XLSX file. (uses Apache POI)

more on the way...

- plus SQL Server import

- plus home automation to collect data and control things

- plus RSS feeds

- plus Web scrapers to collect data and monitor the web

- plus Scripting languages? Jython, Groovy, JRuby etc...

- plus Hyper Intelligence?